Thursday, September 12, 2019


As I drive and ride sometimes, I just exhale. I absorb beautiful surroundings. It's about feelings, auras, and states-of-mind. Although some may not envision the beauty that I see, I see miracles! I behold something and someone bigger than mere existence. Miracles of a new morning, a new day, dewdrops on leaves, bursting sun, hustle and bustle of traffic, and so on… I see and feel the blessing of just having a vehicle to ride in; even something as simple as being able to see! So yes, I enjoy the ride.

Listen for a minute. You know, I’m not even consumed with actually driving, but just liberty in mental capacity; subtly focusing on the moment and not problems I can’t do anything about. How sweet is the taste of being footloose and fancy-free! See, I’m not in control of my destiny, what’s in my reach, in my hand, in my grasp, for that is His. Less we forget that God is in control of everything!! Where we go, how we go, and all that we go through are not really our decision. We think we have that control, but we don’t have a clue. We don’t have a plan. 

I recently listened to a message that pricked my spirit. ‘Our trials are fixed fights. All we have to do is turn it over to God.’  And then the speaker reminded us of 1 Peter 4: 12-13; think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you… rejoice as partakers of Christ’s suffering. It’s about grace, suffering and giving God the glory. He has already worked it out.

I am convinced that many of my rides are about trials and storms. In many of his sermons, our Pastor reminds us that storms are always raging. We are either coming out of a storm, currently in a storm or about to go into a storm. But God has the navigation under control because He has already fixed it. All we need to do is ride the waves. Humanly, we are powerless, no matter what we THINK we are able to do… it’s all about God. 
So find your pleasure. Find your peace. You will find your freedom when you allow The Navigator.

The Ride

Seems I wanna ride
Wanna ‘scape by-ways and hide
Wanna, through highways, confide
Wanna spread my secret wide
Of my emotions, I’ll confess
Of my inner being, express
Of life’s storms, turmoil, and tests
Of how I cope and try my best
To keep at bay the insanity
To keep away the profanity
To know “this too shall pass”
To know freedom, alas
Just sit back and ride
Till dispersion is free, not frugal
Till destiny cannot be Googled
Till there’s room for my scruples
Till there’s peace.  How do you do it?
“Seems I wanna just ride”

PJ Payne

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