Sitting and sipping my third cup o' Joe this morning I am thinking, as usual. It’s time, yes it’s time to stop ignoring the fact that you really don’t have the last word in your actions, reactions, even a well thought out and plan of action.
Because of what so many of us have endured during Hurricane Harvey, a friend suggested that I blog about the patience it takes to weather this transition we've all been affected by. Does it seem that no matter what you plan to do, there are always hiccups in the outcome… even if you think you’ve crossed all the ‘T’s and dotted all the ‘I’s? Well, that’s just a part of life. During this hurricane fiasco, there are two characteristics we have all had to develop... Patience and Faith.
Patience: The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. I’m sure you’ve heard the cliché ‘Patience is a virtue’. Yes, it is a good quality. Our trials and experiences in life help us mature to the level of understanding that things don’t always happen in our time=frame or when we want it.
And then there’s Faith: The act of believing in or attempting something whose outcome has not been proven or is unknown; thus 'taking a chance... You know not what the outcome will be.
You see, they each go hand in hand. It takes the patience to wait and understand that that which you seek in answers or otherwise, will come in due time… not always when you expect it. And when your answers arrive, they will have been worth the wait. Also, whatever your struggles were in the midst of patiently waiting, won’t seem so big after all.
Have the patience and faith to ride out your storm. There is joy in the horizon.
Faith should play
a major role in your daily life.
Faith is belief that you can,
not that you just might
Faith gives you hope
when all hope is gone
Faith gives you strength
to keep pressing on
Faith is that little voice that says
“Don’t give up.”
Faith is the drink
which overflows a cup
Faith is the substance of hope
and belief of things unseen
Faith allows you to step out on a limb,
without the fear of falling
Faith takes you places
your mind cannot fathom
Faith opens doors
you could never imagine
Faith gives you access
to do all things!
Faith is the password -
The key, in Jesus’ name!
"Keep the Faith"!