Thursday, May 25, 2017

Mama Said...

Do you recall as a child not wanting to turn out like your parents? I think we all have at some point. But what usually happens is the very thing we fought against at a young age, comes to pass and reveals itself.  And now I am so grateful that it has come to fruition in my life.
I write colloquially or use clichés sometimes, because I have experiences that are thought-provoking and memorable. Therefore, I jot down my coffee thoughts, dubbed, ‘Coffee and Thee’.  More importantly, I had a very wise mentor who passed on many gifts and taught me so much about life, living and loving… my Mother.
There ‘were’ six of us; four girls and two boys and each could attest to the fact that our mother literally LIVED for us. She worked as a Maid for many years, and then became what they called in her days, a Beautician and a Seamstress. She toiled countless hours, sometimes throughout the night and just LOVED her coffee. It was the first thing we would smell in the mornings and the last thing at night. I was her ‘coffee-maker’ so to speak; consequently I vowed I would NEVER drink the stuff! Now, “I drink coffee and I AM my Mother’s child!” As a single mother she demanded an education from us, respect her, ourselves, and others. But first God! Proverbs 3:6 KJV In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
My mother was a woman of PLENTY words! But the thing I remember the most is that no matter what she said or how she said it, it was profound!
This is an excerpt from my memoirs - ‘Mama Said’.

Mama said- If God said it, it’s guaranteed!
Mama said- The good Lord knows jus’ what you need
Mama said- You gittin’ too big for yo britches, huh?
Mama said- Chile, don’t ever burn yo bridges
Mama said- A hard head makes a soft behind
Mama said- You might think he’s late, but he’s ALWAYS on time
Mama said- “Boy I brought you in this world, and I’ll take you out!”
Mama said- You might run, but you CAN NOT hide
Mama said- His time is NOT yo time... His way… not yo way
Mama said- Don’t worry ‘bout tomorrow, live for today
Mama said- If it don’t fit, don’t force it
Mama said- Don’t buy it, if you can’t afford it
Mama said- You ‘git’ what you give
Mama said- You only got one life to live
Mama said- God’s gonna ALWAYS carry you through
Mama said- If you make one step, He’ll make two

I remember, Mama, what you said. Your words of wisdom stay in my head. These seeds I’ve planted in my children’s head. So, they too will remember what Mama said.

PJ Payne

Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Difference Is...

Sitting and sipping today, I realized something. "In life, there comes a time when an individual has to just STAND out, stand up, and stand alone!" Don't be afraid to be different. If everyone were ALIKE, then there would be no choices.

There is validity, and truth to the statement 'No man is an island' as we depend on each other. And the beauty in that is, we do need each other, so "you're not alone, just not alike"! Individuals! 
Life has given man so many 'lemons' and not everyone knows how or has the strength to make Lemonade, as the common adage goes. Instead, there are comparisons made, like 'Apples to Oranges'. We are a comparative generation! But when I think about it, we have been compared throughout our lives even from birth... "Oh, she is sooo cute," to "Ummm, isn't he a little short for his age..?"  Judgement and comparison goes on throughout our adulthood. And it's no ALL bad, given the verbiage and meaning behind it.
Why can't people just let well enough alone and let someone just 'BE'? Well, my answer to that is, man has not been able, from the beginning of time, to naturally be proactive. As humans, we need an extra push, motivation, fuel injection, because a lot of us are not self-starters. We are basically on automatic pilot, so we need a  GPS from time to time. That's what comparisons, like apples to oranges is all about, so it is not ALL bad. Think about it. Pick one and see. Look for the difference or likeness; firm or soft, tart or sweet, small or large, green, red, yellow or golden... not measured by seed but weight and texture, indeed... Apples to Oranges, comparatively; Apples and Oranges' diversities.

No matter how much someone is told they are like some one else, they must choose to embrace individuality comfortably. What 'apple to oranges' (comparison of two people or things that are irreconcilably or fundamentally different) does for one is it makes him/her STAND out...
Even if you are an apple also you're not necessarily the bad apples, only a different apple!
As is coffee - just taste and see!

PJ Payne

Thursday, May 4, 2017

'Let's Make a Deal'

Sitting, sipping, and pondering again. That’s my morning ritual as you may realize by now. Question - “Have you ever tried to make a deal with God?” Let’s be real! We know it’s not the norm, but in dire times of need and comfort, we might say, “Lord if I can only get this job, I will... or, Lord if you bring me, my child, or my friend through this, I promise You, I will…” Yes, these are the types of deals we make with the Master!
Don’t you realize that Jesus is the author and finisher of your faith (Hebrews 12:2)?  A lot of times we don’t need to know what the finished product will be, but have faith He will fix it. If you’re anything like me, I’d try to change the outcome if I knew it in advance. Lol. Remember, we don’t hold the future in our hands. Enrich your faith in Him and grow in spiritual maturity. He will do the rest.

No Bartering

I wasn’t supposed to know
I wasn’t supposed to find out until now
I wasn’t supposed to know
This was about His timing and how
He wanted me to grasp
He wanted me to ask
He wanted me to depend
He wanted me to defend
what HE stood for in my life
and when it was all said and done
He wanted me to know that
He was the One!
Not because ‘I’ did anything great
hence, He would make life easier
NO! He wanted me to be tried and tested
He wanted me to know
He was the One
who brought me out
who allowed me to evolve 
through these experiences
while being tossed to and fro
learning lessons, being instructed
in the midst of the strain
but not all in vain
And as I come out of it, I will gain 
I will grow with it
and not have had to barter
but just ‘pay it forward’ as I go

God doesn’t make a deal.
 “God is the REAL DEAL!”

PJ Payne